Tim's Blog

Before Upgrading: Check the Fixed SPR List

Written by Tim Webb | Feb 19, 2020 6:57:08 PM

Before upgrading to SOLIDWORKS 2020 from SOLIDWORKS  - here is what you need to do and how to do it! First off, we need to check the Fixed SPR list.

One of my favorite things to do as a PDM Admin is to obsessively review the Fixed SPR list in each new major release of SOLIDWORKS PDM as well as each Service Pack!

Just like those new personalized emojis on my phone!

Let's get started! 

You can't really get a good picture of all the changes by reading the canned "What's New in SOLIDWORKS PDM".

Do your Research

Mostly because they have found the top requests and filtered the list for you, but with a little research, you can tell your boss or your teams precisely the Fixed SPRs that will benefit your organization.

Find the full list by clicking HERE: https://www.solidworks.com/sw/support/subscription/ServicePackMaintenanceNotes.html

Solidworks Insider Info

In SOLIDWORKS PDM 2020 PR1, SP0, SP0.1, and SP1 , I found some sweet juicy little nuggets I've been waiting on for years!

Listed below in numerical order:

  • SPR 522736 : SOLIDWORKS PDM - Search, Cards: Enhancement: Request to add searching option to find files not in a particular state.
  • SPR 544334 : SOLIDWORKS PDM - Administration: An exported cex file when imported in to a new vault does not transfer all the PDM settings created in the original vault
  • SPR 644477 : SOLIDWORKS PDM - Cards: Data card with lots of file extensions can take long time to save especially when the target folder contains subfolders
  • SPR 653088 : SOLIDWORKS PDM - Message System, File Operations: Notification 'Folder' link doesn't display the selected file in vault view - need to scroll upward to locate file. (This one has bugged me since 2007!)
  • SPR 660803 :  SOLIDWORKS PDM - Search:Enhancement: Search for files in more than one state
  • SPR 988320 : SOLIDWORKS PDM - API: AddReference2 Method (IEdmEnumeratorCustomReference6) not showing the references in the Bill of Material (BOM).
  • SPR 903789 :  SOLIDWORKS PDM - Web2: Enhancement : Ability to use eDrawings professional features like measure in Web2 ( webGL preview ) FINALLY!!
  • SPR 937852 : SOLIDWORKS PDM Web2: Enhancement: Ability to download the files along with folder structure intact.  
  • SPR1137860 :  SOLIDWORKS PDM - Web2: Web2 sometimes takes multiple refreshes to get the file list to show - shows 'no items found

These fixed SPRs are some of my favorites that matter to me and how I work with PDM.

Stay Up to Date

Also, as a PDM Consultant, it is very important to stay up on what new features have been added and what fixes will benefit my clients. Take a look today and read up on what's really new and see if you discover some gold while digging!


Happy research!


Believe in The Q!
