Table Of Contents:
Normally, Type A, Hard-charging, High Performance people don’t need extra motivation.
They don’t need to be micromanaged because they often churn through a normal 8 hour work day in less than 5.
They also don’t often need loads of caffeine to get the day started! They are amped up enough on their
loads of competence.
Below are the most effective weekly self-reflection questions that top performers readily ask themselves.
1. How would I rate last week’s performance on a scale of 1-10? (1 being you are the same as last week and 9 being that you exceeded your own expectations (which most Type A’s know is nearly impossible)
2. What was my most significant priority last week?
If you can’t answer this, you may be caught in the “busy” trap. Get out of it now. Alphas know what they are aiming to achieve weekly. They then break that accomplishment down into daily achievements and
start grinding.
3. Did you accomplish the priority from #2?
Knowing what you must do is one thing, but accomplishing it is what actually counts. If you
failed to accomplish your goal, then give yourself a hearty dose of honesty and figure out why. Once you
find the problem, mitigate it indefinitely.
4. What powerful and significant lesson did you learn?
If you can’t answer, then you are either on autopilot or you are not taking on hard enough challenges. Without some form of failure and lesson with it, you are guilty of remaining in your comfort zone. Simple as that.
5. How were you relevant to your company or business?
If you have no relevance to the cause you are a part of then you are simply a warm body. Prepare for
robots and algorithms to take over your position soon. If you know your relevance and you are planning to increase it this week, then you are on
the right path to high performance.
6. What was your greatest hurdle last week?
What roadblock presented itself this week? How will you improve your thinking for the future so that these sorts of things don’t reveal your
lack of preparation for them?
7. Did you discover what you needed to solve it?
If not, you are only hurting yourself. Alphas
figure out the root cause of issues then attack those. They don’t brush things under the rug or waste time chasing symptoms. They find the culprit and eliminate it.
8. What were your greatest character highlights last week?
Where did you shine? Where did you not allow your demons to surface? How are you slaying those dragons daily, in order to make the next situation easier to overcome.
9. What will make this week a success?
You must first know this before even attempt to traverse the “notification” war zone that is your email and smart phone. If not, it will most like be
death by distraction for you.
10. What will you need “the team” for this week?
Everyone needs help at some point. We cannot
accomplish great and worthy goals alone. So what assistance do you need? What roles will you need executed? How will you ask? Who will you need to be in order for the others to
want to “follow” you? How will you make your own role necessary?